Protect Private Property

In 2009, Governor Lynch and primarily Democratic legislators passed a law which attempted to take $110 million from a privately funded medical malpractice fund. The state never contributed any money to this fund. All the monies were paid by healthcare providers from around the state. The New Hampshire Supreme Court held that law unconstitutional because it violated the vested property rights of the policyholders (Click here to see court opinion). Governor Lynch has refused to obey this law and continues efforts to take these funds from the owners. Many citizens and organizations fearful of this unconstitutional assualt on private property have provided important support to the JUA policyholders. This site recognizes these efforts.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

YouTube Satire Concerning the JUA Theft

In searching the web for JUA commentary, we discovered this political satire on the Governor's "creative" yet unconstitutional idea to balance the state budget through a raid of private funds.

By the way, who is being held accountable for this unlawful idea? Governor Lynch? Insurance Commissioner Roger Sevigny? Deputy Commissioner Alex Feldvebel? The Office of the Attorney General that issued a flawed opinion which failed to analyze the "participating" contracts provided to the medical providers? Legislative leadership which pressed this theft under the bogus claim that it would provide healthcare access to the underserved (a population that needs a real solution to their problems not simply to be improperly used as a transparent loin cloth for illegal activity). So many questions, so little accountability....