Protect Private Property

In 2009, Governor Lynch and primarily Democratic legislators passed a law which attempted to take $110 million from a privately funded medical malpractice fund. The state never contributed any money to this fund. All the monies were paid by healthcare providers from around the state. The New Hampshire Supreme Court held that law unconstitutional because it violated the vested property rights of the policyholders (Click here to see court opinion). Governor Lynch has refused to obey this law and continues efforts to take these funds from the owners. Many citizens and organizations fearful of this unconstitutional assualt on private property have provided important support to the JUA policyholders. This site recognizes these efforts.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Taking on Lynch | Concord Monitor

Taking on Lynch Concord Monitor

Paul Racicot, Sanbornton

The state's fiscal house is a mess. Conservative estimates predict the budget shortfall in the next biennium to be at least $500 million and potentially $1 billion.

The governor has retained Boston, New York and D.C. law firms, one of which charges over $1,000 per hour, and has earmarked $1 million in pursuit of this theft. The state has never paid a penny into the JUA fund. This fund was supported by hospitals and providers to ensure money is available for just compensation to victims of medical malpractice.

Stephen understands that if the governor is successful, no trust fund, self-insured fund or retirement fund would be safe from future state raids to balance deficits.

Support Stephen for governor. He is willing to stand up against government abuse.